US and European corporations have learnt to use and leverage social media the hard way, including the negative perceptions.

US social media expert Mandy Jenkins told Business Line that there were examples of companies, who owned up for a negative event and responded to the situation squarely through social media.

“A British company, which faced disastrous consequences after an accident at its deepwater oil rig off US coast, fist owned up to take responsibility and then went up to turn public opinion through sustained social media campaign on how they were trying to address the situation. They finally earned respect,” said Jenkins after an event organised by Bharat Chamber of Commerce here.

She said India has 10.60 crore active social media users. Historically, Indian companies were in an advantageous position to start late. Using social media and gaining from it might not be easy, she said.

“A company needs to research and to take strategic decision to be successful,” she added. Now that some of the social media wants you to pay, you need to plan more”, she added.