Great results can be achieved through team work and crisis management in industry and management students should mould their attitudes and skills with the objective in mind, according to K Subba Rao, location manager of Tech Mahindra.

He was delivering a lecture on crisis management in industry here at the Bullayya College of Management at a programme jointly organised by Business Line and the State Bank of Hyderabad. VV Rao, the AGM of the SBH, and Bhaskara Reddy, Director of the college, also spoke.

Subba Rao, a former student of Bullayya College, said leadership essentially consisted of two qualities - assuming responsibility and the ability to manage crisis. “A leader should always blame himself or herself for failures and ascribe success to the team and then only can he or she inspire confidence in the team. Solo performers do not get very far. You are always judged as a member of the team,” he told the students.

He also spoke about the procedures industries have evolved to manage crisis and the importance of sticking to them in times of crisis. He also cautioned students against developing an easy-going attitude and stressed the need for honing their skills .