To resolve the logjam in Parliament, BJP leader Arun Shourie suggested that the Speaker must do away with adjournment of the House. Further, Members jumping into the well of the House must be suspended forthwith.

The former disinvestment minister in the NDA Government pointed out that it was resolved by the members of the House during the 50{+t}{+h} anniversary of the Constitution that Parliamentarians jumping into the well of the House will be automatically suspended by the Speaker.

“Why then is there no enforcement of this resolution by the Speaker?” Shourie asked at a seminar arranged by the Indian Merchants Chamber (IMC).

Yashwant Sinha, the former Finance Minister in the NDA Government, seconded Shourie on that. He said this can be implemented only if there is a strong public opinion on the issue.

While expressing concern that the time spent in the House is getting shorter, Sinha said all members who jump into the well to disrupt the proceedings must be suspended.

He said even Sonia Gandhi, who was goading her ministers to disrupt the Parliament when L K Advani was making statement branding the UPA-II government as “illegitimate”, must be suspended. “If you have the courage then blame Sonia also, else put up with what is going on.”

On adjournment, Shourie asked, “Why does the speaker adjourn the house every time there is a disruption?” He suggested that the speaker must not adjourn the house and get the Parliament to function between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.. He also said that if members misbehave in the House then the cameras must focus on them. In three-four days, all members will hopefully fall in line.

“Parliament now-a-days resembles state assemblies with frequent disruptions and adjournments,” Shourie said.
