The Tamil Nadu Government has asked Andhra Pradesh to check unapproved drawing of water on its side under the Krishna water sharing agreement and to ensure realisation of adequate release.

At a meeting of the Chief Secretaries of the two States here today, Tamil Nadu said while the release of water from Kandaleru was 600 cusecs, it got reduced to 150 cusecs at the State border.

“Due to unapproved drawing of water inside Andhra Pradesh border, less quantity of water reaches Tamil Nadu. Therefore (Andhra Pradesh) has to check this to ensure at least 350 cusecs is realised at the Tamil Nadu border,” a State Government release quoting the meeting said.

Chief Secretaries of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, Sheela Balakrishnan and Minnie Mathew, besides top officials, participated in the high-level meeting.

Among other demands placed before Andhra Pradesh were to release 8.24 tmcft of water for the remaining part of 2012-13 and the total 12 tmcft for 2013-14.

The release said the water level at Kandaleru stood at 17.60 tmcft today against its capacity of 58.6 tmcft.

With “adequate” storage, there should be no hiccup in release of water to Tamil Nadu, it said.

Water sharing agreement

As per the 1983 agreement between the two States, Andhra Pradesh has to release 12 tmfct of water to its neighbour each year between July-October (eight tmcft) and January-April (four tmcft) to be used to meet the drinking water needs of Chennai.

Further, Andhra Pradesh was asked to complete various related works at Kalahasti and Tamil Nadu has come forward to extend its help, the release said.

Panel proposals

Andhra Pradesh officials informed their counterparts that the recommendations of a joint committee on release of water as per the agreement were under the consideration of that government, details of which would be made available to them.

A permanent committee on water supply would be formed, comprising chief engineers of the two states, besides the Chief Engineer of Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB).

This committee would submit periodical reports to the Government on ways and means to supply water to Chennai, the release said.