Excitement, optimism, pain and some unresolved issues — these words characterise the new administration of Telangana.

The administration has been given a shape on the basis of a provisional allocation of employees from the IAS and IPS officers at the helm, State cadre staff to the secretarial staff on the basis of “an order to serve” pending final allotment.

Everything is expected to be firmed up in 6-9 months.

What could be knotty for the new Government is the controversy shrouding the division of state cadre employees and secretarial staff.

Out of 88,232 state level Government employees, 32,019 have been partitioned between the two States in the 58:42 ratio.

The Secretariat employees have also been divided.

Out of a total 1,865 employees, 1,060 have been identified as belonging to Andhra Pradesh on the basis of nativity as mentioned in the service register.