Bimal Gurung rose to prominence in Darjeeling with his party, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM), renewing the demand for Gorkhaland, a new State to be carved out of Darjeeling hills and some parts of the foothills.

It aligned with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2009.

And, after a fallout with the Trinamool Congress (TMC) this year, it decided to support the BJP candidate SS Ahluwalia for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

Hopeful of not just winning, but also creating Gorkhaland, Gurung spoke to Business Line on his demand for statehood, the return of bete noire Subhash Ghising, fighting TMC and so on.

Edited excerpts:

The BJP has nowhere mentioned that it is supporting Gorkhaland. Does this weaken your position?

In 2009, the BJP maintained that it would consider sympathetically the demand for Gorkhaland. The same thing is being said now. Even SS Ahluwalia has said the demand for Gorkhaland is just.

The word Gorkhaland might not be categorically mentioned; but, the BJP supports the creation of smaller states.

You opted for a new BJP candidate, instead of seeking re-election for Jaswant Singh. Was there any problems?

We had no problems with Jaswant Singh. But he claimed 2014 was his last election and hence, he preferred the candidature from his home constituency.

As MP, he was always for the cause of Gorkhaland and had taken it up in the Parliament too. He did what was expected of him.

Today you are at loggerheads with your one-time ally, Trinamool Congress. The repercussions saw pending arrest warrants being executed, and similar action against GJM supporters. Your comments.

The Trinamool Congress is known to stab people in the back. It’s in their nature. They are promoting a divide-and-rule policy in Darjeeling.

I’m pained at the way TMC is trying to polarise the smaller communities (in the Hills) such as the Lepchas. It has also not hesitated in misusing the State administration and police machinery to stifle GJM.

Being the Chief of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), I’m ranked at par with a Cabinet Minister. But, post the fallout they withdrew my security. Now they are interested in helping Subhash Ghising, because they want his support to ensure victory in Darjeeling.

Do you see any difference between the CPI(M) and TMC?

Both parties were against Gorkhaland. But, the CPI(M) was disciplined in their approach. Their attitude was different.

The GJM has seen mass defection towards Trinamool. Has this weakened your organisation?

No. We still continue to enjoy mass support. There were some defections. But most of those who had deserted GJM have now rejoined us.

However, there are some rowdy elements and murderers who took political refuge by joining the Trinamool. They now roam about freely instead of being behind bars.

Does Subhash Ghising’s return and subsequent support to TMC impact your prospects?

I don’t think so. Ghising is a shadow of his former self. He has grown old. I had requested him to support the GJM and stay united for the cause of Gorkhaland. But he chose otherwise. However, we are hopeful of people supporting us and uniting for a Gorkha identity.

Do you fear for your life?

No. I am willing to die for Gorkhaland. But I won’t dance to someone else’s tunes.