Union Parliamentary Affairs and Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu has blamed the Congress Party for raising prices and the row over the Civil Services exam.

“Their policies are responsible for the increase in prices. We came to power only two months ago. Give us some time to act on this,” he said.

Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, the Minister refuted the Opposition claim that the Government had no business to conduct and hence the gap in the session. “It is not true. We have a lot of Bills to introduce when the House resumes. We will bring in Bills on Insurance, SEBI and Judicial Appointments,” he said.

Stating that the Congress is making self-goals on several issues, he said former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had attended the BRICS meeting five times but never bothered to make a statement in Parliament. “But the same Party is insisting on a statement by Narendra Modi in the House,” he said.

On the issue of civil services exam row, he said it was the Congress who had created the problem in 2011 and 2013. When we came to power, we have appointed a committee to look into the grievances of the students,” he said.

He also criticised the Congress for blaming the Speaker and the Advocate General on the issue of according Opposition status to it. “They are saying both the Speaker and AG were acting on the advice of the ruling party. Had it been the practice during the UPA Government,” he wondered.

“They simply forgot what had happened during the Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi regimes,” he pointed out.