The Andhra Pradesh Government will present a vote-on-account Budget for 2014-15 in the State Legislative Assembly on Monday.

With the State headed for Assembly elections later during the year, possibly in April-May, when its five-year-term ends, the Government is presenting a vote-on-account Budget which will be valid for a period of six months.

State Finance Minister Anam Ramanarayana Reddy will present the Budget on Monday after securing approval from the Council of Ministers slated to meet at 9 a.m.

Four-day session The full-fledged Budget will be placed by the new Government after the Assembly polls later during the year once a newly elected Government comes to power.

The decision to convene a brief four-day session during February 10-13 was taken during a meeting between the Finance Minister and the State Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy late on Saturday.

The vote-on-account Budget is an interim arrangement paving way to access funds for expenditure for six months. Apart from requirements for salary, pension payments and other expenditure, it will also have allocation for other ongoing projects and schemes and funds to meet the requirements for the State and Lok Sabha elections.

The State Assembly will be meeting barely within 10 days after the House was adjourned sine die wherein a resolution against the AP State Reorganisation Bill 2013 was moved and the Bill was sent to the Centre. The Assembly has been witness to considerable acrimony between members of different regions supporting and opposing the creation of the new State of Telangana.

Within parties too, there have been differences over the creation of a separate State. Over the past few days, most of the State leaders had moved to Delhi camping there and making out their respective cases. The Telangana Bill, which has been approved by the Union Cabinet, is expected to be introduced in Parliament during the week.

It is being speculated that the State Chief Minister will quit if the T-Bill is tabled in Parliament.