The Aam Aadmi Party will try to resolve its differences with Anna Hazare as the party came out of the anti-corruption movement led by him, AAP’s national observer Dharam Singh Dabas said here today.

“Our party was part of Anna’s movement but was in a different form then. Anna’s movement was the progenitor of the Aam Aadmi Party,” he said.

Referring to Anna’s statement that the party’s convener Arvind Kejriwal had fallen prey to the temptation of power, Dabas said: “Anna is demanding Jan Lokpal and we too are asking for the same. We are fighting for the same cause. There might be some differences in the means to achieving the goal. We will have to talk to Anna to resolve these differences.”

He, however, refused to say when the talks will take place and what subjects will be discussed.

“As of now, I cannot say anything in this regard,” said Dabas.

AAP functionaries were here on a membership drive named ‘Mission Buniyaad’ (Mission Foundation) to expand the party’s base.