Will the addition of air-conditioned coaches in Mumbai suburban trains lead to a fare hike? Well, if a draft report of the Central Railway, shared with a Parliamentary delegation – members of the Public Accounts Committee – is any indication, the proposal does appear to be linked to an increase in fares for providing better services.

The report has pointed out that the Indian Railways’ Mumbai suburban (managed and operated by Central Railway) system can provide AC train services at much cheaper fare levels than in Metro One, the private Metro system. But, that “cheaper level” will have to be higher than the present fares, at least to ensure that the operation costs are covered.

Advertising rights

In the report, a paragraph explains the additional coaches and expenditure required to induct new AC coaches, which will subsequently help in providing AC coaches in the system.

It says, while ₹4,500 crore, which is a part of this expenditure, can be raised by advertising rights on these coaches for the next 25 years, the balance -- ₹6,000 crore – the cost of shells, door closers, air-conditioners, can be provided by the Indian Railways through its rolling stock programmes “provided fares of suburban are not kept artificially at a low level of 11 paise/kilometre (against ₹11 per km for metro) causing a huge loss of working expenses to Indian Railways.”

To have two minutes of frequency in suburban train services, the existing 146 rakes (train sets) will have to be doubled to about 300. A method has to be found so that additional rakes have door closers and air-conditioners, says the draft, adding that these should be mixed and matched with the existing rakes, with minimum compromises.

The report also said that providing services at 50 paise/km will enable Mumbai suburban services “operate without losses” as compared to ₹1/km of Mumbai Metro One.