Veteran BJP Leader L.K. Advani on Tuesday said his party is proud of its “high-achievers” like the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister”, Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his Gujarat counterpart Narendra Modi, saying a ruler’s “arrogance” leads to his or her own downfall.

While addressing the valedictory function at the Third Global Investors’ Meet here, he referred to his recent talk with Aditya Vikram Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla saying some politicians achieve more than what they deserve, become arrogant and are prone to a slide down. He, however, did not elaborate.

Raining praise on Chouhan, the veteran leader said the “humble” MP CM is not amongst those politicians. “Despite success, he is humble. A ruler should be concerned about his people and the state. Chouhan has surpassed our expectations and we have discovered newer merits in him we did not know about earlier.”

In MP, he said, one saw sincerity in government to give us an effective, honest governance unlike the one in the UPA-ruled Centre. “I see no hope there, the recent reshuffle is shocking.”

The former Deputy Prime Minister said a “New Delhi-style” government deters investments while a Bhopal-style government attracts investors.

In particular, Advani referred to the MP Government’s two schemes for saving girl child and welfare of senior citizens, which he said were not thought of earlier by anyone. “Chouhan can think beyond the normal and is not afraid to take responsibility.”