​The three-day ‘mahapadav’ by lakhs of workers from across the country near Parliament, called by 10 central trade unions and several independent federations, ​ended ​on Saturday ​and ​​decided to organise a countrywide ‘jail bharo’ in January-end, days before the presentation of the Union Budget.

The ‘mahapadav’, attended by workers across sectors such as Railways, telecom, defence, banking and insurance, port and dock workers, electricity, transport, women scheme workers among others, also called upon workers to prepare for a country-wide indefinite strike “if the BJP-led government failed to take any positive measures on their 12-point charter of demands, a release by the joint trade union platform said. The ‘mahapadav’ was held in Delhi to build pressure on the BJP-led government to withdraw anti-labour laws, protect jobs, stop privatisation and raise minimum wages, among others.

The joint platform said it had “no other option but to intensify their struggle to reverse the anti-worker, anti-people, anti-national policies of the BJP government to force their reversal.”

“If the government does not change its attitude, the central trade unions will be forced to explore for the country-wide national indefinite strike,’ said the statement, adding that meanwhile, prolonged agitations and actions will continue, such as sectoral/industry-level joint strike whenever the government takes measures at privatisation and protest actions on the day of presentation of Union Budget if it contains anti-worker measures.