Tension still prevails in four to five villages in the vicinity of Nagarjuna Agrichem pesticide plant in Srikakulam district after the factory was re-opened on Monday against the wishes of the people in the surrounding villages.

However, the employees of the factory wanted it re-opened. Fire broke out in one of the boilers in the factory, resulting in injuries to several workers on June 30, and subsequently the factory had to be closed down in accordance with the directive of the State Government. However, after checking the safety measures and the pollution control measures taken by the management, the State Government relented and allowed the management to resume operations partially.

The struggle committee against NACL has not reconciled itself to the decision of the Government and is still campaigning against the factory in the villages. In the backdrop, there is heavy police deployment in the area.

The leader of the committee, Muralidhar Baba, who was arrested twice in this connection and released later, is demanding the withdrawal of the police force. A team of Government officials visited the plant on Friday to inspect the safety measures and anti-pollution steps taken by the management and they invited the leaders of the struggle committee to the factory.

The invitation was rejected by the committee members. The officials suggested to the management to provide drinking water and other facilities to the people in the surrounding villages as a part of corporate social responsibility, and seek their co-operation in running the unit.
