The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) may take action against senior farmers’ leader from Haryana Gurnam Singh Chaduni for convening an all-party meeting on the farmers’ protests.

The SKM has appointed a committee to look into Chaduni’s actions. It said in a statement that the platform of more than 500 organisations do not associate with the “all-party meeting” taken up by Chaduni with political parties.

Also read: Supreme Court appointed panel on farm laws to hold first meeting on January 19

“SKM, after taking note of Chaduni’s ongoing activities with political parties, after due discussion on the same in a general body meeting of SKM yesterday (Sunday), has formed a Committee that will inquire into the matter and give its report in 3 days’ time. SKM will take further steps thereafter,” the statement said.

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar had blamed Chaduni for the reported violence at one of his meetings near Karnal to explain the benefits of the three farm laws. The farmers’ leaders have been maintaining that political parties will not be involved in the protests.