The 740 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in a Container Freight Station (CSF) in Chennai’s outskirts of Manali is being cleared in phases. The first lot of 10 containers with the cargo left for Hyderabad on Sunday afternoon with full security.

The cargo has been lying at Sattva CFS since 2015. However, after last week’s devastating blast that ripped across Beirut triggered by the 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in the port, concerns were raised about the chemical stored in a warehouse in the city outskirts.

Ammonium nitrate in 37 containers arrived at the Chennai port from South Korea. It was imported by Sri Amman Chemicals. However, the containers were confiscated immediately by the Special Investigation Bureau of the Customs as the company did not have a licence to import the cargo. Since then it has been lying securely at Sattva Manali Container Freight Station. The Customs department disposed of the cargo through e-auction and the buyer is in Hyderabad, sources said.

Salvo Explosive and Chemical pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, is the bidder of the cargo, according to sources.

As per Bills of Entry, the value of the cargo then was ₹1.80 crore. The auction value of the cargo is not known.

Ammonium nitrate is an odourless crystalline substance commonly used in manufacturing agricultural fertiliser. This The highly explosive compound is added to improve nitrogen content in fertilisers. Ammonium nitrate explodes violently when its comes into contact with When in contact with an open flame or ignition source, it explodes violently.

Sources said that the balance 27 containers will leave the city in a couple of days as vehicles are being arranged by the consignee.