Mr Anna Hazare has been denied permission to hold an indefinite fast at Jantar Mantar here from July 25. The veteran anti-graft activist had announced plans to fast for a ‘strong’ Lokpal Bill, coinciding with the Monsoon Session of Parliament a few months ago.

In a letter to Team Anna, Delhi Police said on Thursday that during the proposed period of the fast, the Monsoon Session of Parliament would be on and they would have to provide space to other outfits at Jantar Mantar.

However, Team Anna sources said they would continue with their protest. Reacting to the police stance, Team Anna member, Mr Arvind Kejriwal, tweeted, “It is dangerous for democracy if Parliament and MPs start getting scared of people...Real reason is that Chidambaram is behind denial...Anshan (fast) will take place -- either at Jantar Mantar or in jail,” he said.

Apart from a strong Lokpal Bill, Team Anna is also demanding the setting up of an independent special investigation team to probe corruption charges against the Prime Minister and 14 Cabinet colleagues, including Mr Pranab Mukherjee and Mr P. Chidambaram.

In its letter, Delhi Police said “This place (Jantar Mantar) has a limited capacity to hold people, and keeping in mind equitable distribution of space for everyone, each organisation will be permitted to bring only a very limited number of supporters. A gathering larger than the capacity is vulnerable to stampede and other security-related issues which will come up.”

It said “keeping in view the position explained above, the permission to hold a fast at Jantar Mantar continuously from July 25 to August 8cannot be acceded to,” and added that Team Anna could contact the police for a mutually acceptable venue.

Meanwhile, as part of its preparations for the July 25 event, Team Anna is organising several public meetings in the Delhi-NCR region from Friday.