The Andhra Pradesh Government has directed the power utilities to take steps to ensure seven hours of power supply to the agricultural sector and thereby help farmers during the rabi crop season.

The Government directive comes in the backdrop of a severe power situation and a widening demand-supply gap. By ensuring a seven-hour supply, the State seeks to ensure that the standing crop is not lost does not wither for want of power.

The Government in its directive suggested that the distribution companies issue power bulletins daily regarding power supply to the farm sector.

Following a detailed discussion with power sector members, M. Sahoo, Principal Secretary, Energy, emphasised the need to optimise thermal generation by maintaining the required coal stocks. Demand is expected to shoot up during February and March on account of the rabi crop requirement.

The District Collectors have been asked to ensure seven hours of power supply to the farm sector.

During 2012-13, the Government has extended a subsidy of Rs 3,620 crore towards subsidy for the agriculture sector.

According to the statement, since 2004 the Government has spent over Rs 25,000 crore towards free power for farmers.

The number of agriculture pumpsets has gone up from 19.39 lakh in 2000-2001 to 31.26 lakh in 2012-13. The consumption too has gone up from 11,055 million units to 18,225 million units.

The demand-supply gap has widened due to shortage of gas supply for power projects in the State and also a drop in hydel power due to low reservoir levels. Currently, the demand is about 280 mu as against supply of about 220 mu, leaving a gap of about 60 mu. This gap is projected to go up to 95 to 100 mu and the demand may rise well over 300 mu per day.
