The per capita income in Andhra Pradesh for 2014-15, at current prices, is estimated at Rs 90,517 as against Rs 81,397 in 2013-14, registering a growth of 11.21 per cent.

State Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu released the Advance Estimates of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) for 2014-15, compiled by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DE&S) with 2004-05 as a base year.

The advance estimate of GSDP for 2014-15 at constant (2004-05) prices works out to Rs 2,64,521 crore, a growth of 7.21 per cent over Rs 2,46,724 crore in 2013-14. The advance estimates at current prices are Rs 5,20,030 crore showing a growth rate of 12.03 per cent over previous year 2013-14 of Rs 4,64,184 crore.

In spite of scanty rainfall, drought affected situation in some mandals of the State and Hudhud cyclone, a positive growth on the whole is observed in all sectors during 2014-15, according to a statement from the Finance Minister.

The agriculture sector contribution at constant (2004-05) prices for the year 2014-15 is Rs 63,414 crore, a growth of 5.90 per cent over the previous year estimates of Rs 59,879 crore.

The industry contribution for 2014-15 is estimated at Rs 51,771 crore, up 5.25 per cent over Rs 49,187 crore in 2013-14. The services sector contribution is estimated at Rs 1,49,336 crore, up 8.48 per cent against Rs 1,37,658 crore in 2013-14.

The estimates of AP are not comparable with All-India estimates as the latter are compiled with New Base Year (2011-12).