The Andhra Pradesh power utilities have decided to float tenders to procure additional power of 2000 mw through short term bidding process.

The State Government has plans to come out with separate policies for the promotion of solar and wind energy sector. It is proposed to set up 1000 mw solar parks in Guntur and Anantapur distiricts and invite bids for setting up solar generation capacity of 1000 mw.

As part of the Government efforts to provide 24x7 Power For All, the AP power utilities have charted out a 10-point formula to be submitted to the Centre.

According to a statement, Ajay Jain, Secretary, Energy along with K.Vijayanand, MD, APGenco and APTransco, said that the immediate thrust is to ensure round the clock power to all consumers in the State.

The 10-point programme charted out to improve the power sector includes reduction of demand supply gap, stepping up of power generation, strengthening transmission, encouraging renewable energy companies to set up units among others.

Apart from improving coal stocks to run the thermal generation stations, it is proposed to tie up coal linkages for Rayalaseema thermal power project and Krishnapatnam project and procurement of additional power through short term bids (2000 mw) for 2015-16 and through case-I bidding (25 years from 2018 onwards), for which tenders have been floated.

It is also proposed to book the transmission corridors and segregation of agriculture feeders in a phased manner.