Heavy rains in Andhra Pradesh for the past eight days due to successive depressions in the Bay of Bengal have taken a substantial toll on lives and crops.

Over 20 lives have been lost in the State, with Guntur and Visakhapatnam accounting for the bulk of the casualties, due to rain-related incidents and crops have suffered extensive damage. Met Department predicts that the rains may continue for two more days.

The rains affected eight coastal districts are from Srikakulam to Prakasam, with Guntur and Kurnool being the worst-hit.

The State Government is yet to make the final estimate of the crop damage, as the rains are still continuing. But according to preliminary estimates crops have been submerged in an extent of around 40,000hectares in Guntur district alone. A number of commercial crops are grown in the district such as cotton, chillies, tobacco, turmeric besides paddy.

Cotton and chilli crop have suffered heavy damage. Cotton, tobacco and chillies are also grown in Prakasam district. In Visakhapatnam district too paddy crop in 6,000-6,500 hectares has been submerged.

Poor drainage is one of the main reasons for the crop damage. According to agricultural experts, the damage can be minimised by improving the drainage. As paddy is a water-intensive crop, submergence for a day or two at a certain stage may not be very harmful.

The State Government has sought an initial assistance of Rs 300 crores from the Centre for relief measures. The government has paid ex gratia of Rs 4 lakhs to the kin of those lost their lives in the rains.