Extending the bail of former Tamil chief minsiter and AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa by another four months, the Supreme court on Thursday directed the Karnataka High Court to form a special bench and hear her appeal in the disproportionate assets case, on a day-to-day basis and complete it within a time frame of three months from today.

When the matter came up before the Supreme Court on Thursday, counsel for Ms. Jayalalithaa, K.T.S Tulsi informed the Chief Justice H.L.Dattu, that in compliance with the earlier order of the apex court, Ms Jayalalithaa had already submitted all the appeal papers before the Karnataka High Court.

The special bench can either be a single or division bench according to the discretion of the Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court.

Jayalalithaa had filed her appeal papers, which contained voluminous documents running to 2.8 lakh pages, in the Karnataka High Court on December 8.

(This news report was first published in The Hindu online edition)