In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court today held that citizens have the right to cast a negative vote rejecting all candidates contesting polls, a decision which would encourage people not satisfied with contestants to turn up for voting.

The apex court directed the Election Commission to provide ‘none of the above options’ at the end of the list of candidates in electronic voting machines (EVMs) and ballot papers to allow voters to reject those contesting polls.

A bench headed by Chief Justice P. Sathasivam said negative voting would foster purity and vibrancy of elections and ensure wide participation as people who are not satisfied with the candidates in the fray would also turn up to express their opinion rejecting contestants.

It said the concept of negative voting would bring a systemic change in the election process as the political parties will be forced to project clean candidates in polls.

The bench noted that the concept of negative voting is prevalent in 13 countries and even in India, Parliamentarians are given the option to press the button for abstaining while voting takes place in the House.

The court said the right to reject candidates in elections is part of the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression given by the Constitution to Indian citizens.

It said democracy is all about choice and the significance of the right of citizens to cast negative voting is massive.

With the concept of negative voting, voters who are dissatisfied with the candidates in the fray would turn up in large number to express their opinion which would put unscrupulous elements and impersonators out of the polls, it said.

The bench, while reading out the operative portion of the judgement, did not throw light on a situation in case the votes cast under the no option head outnumbered the votes got by the candidates.

It said that secrecy of votes cast under the no option category must be maintained by the Election Commission.