Indian IT industry body, Nasscom, said that it appreciate President Biden’s commitment to review and make necessary changes to harmful regulatory policies put in place by the outgoing Trump administration.

“President Biden has pledged a new approach on Trade and Immigration, as well as a renewed and revitalised interest in Science and Technology. We appreciate President Biden’s commitment to review and make necessary changes to harmful regulatory policies put in place by the outgoing Administration,” Nasscom said in a statement.

President Joe Biden has decided to put on hold recent decisions taken by the Donald Trump administration including the two rulings on h1B visas.

Also read: Biden puts Trump's H1B decisions on freeze, pending review

In a memorandum issued on the first day of the new Presidency, the White House Chief of Staff said .” With respect to rules that have been published in the Federal Register, or rules that have been issued in any manner, but have not taken effect, consider postponing the rules’ effective dates for 60 days from the date of this memorandum.”

A key challenge the technology sector faces is the lack of required STEM talent in the US. “The rules announced by the previous administration will worsen this talent gap. Nasscom has been actively engaged with US policy makers on these issues, and we look forward to working together with the new US Administration to find solutions to the STEM skills gap, and enable America to be more competitive, to grow and create more jobs,” The industry body said.