The KGS Aranmula International Airport Ltd has moved the Supreme Court against the National Green Tribunal verdict cancelling the environmental clearance given to the airport project by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests.

The company has challenged the NGT Chennai bench’s May 28 decision to cancel the clearance on procedural grounds.

The Green Tribunal had found that Enviorocare, the agency that had carried out the environmental impact study of the airport project was not adequately qualified for the job and that the public hearing on the project had not been carried out in accordance with the set norms.

The KGS wants the apex court to stay the NGT decision and allow it to continue the building work on the project site. The company in its appeal pointed out that the MoEF had stated that no accreditation was required for the agency doing the EIA.

The Kerala Government has a 10 per cent stake in the project and the Oommen Chandy Government had openly supported it.

Last weekend, film star Suresh Gopi used harsh words against the Chief Minister for supporting the project. The Youth Congress condemned the actor for his “outrageous comments” and took out a rally to his home to register its protest.