The Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA), part of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, has officially partnered with the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) to check misleading advertisements.

They will now jointly evaluate and pass strictures against the violators. The six priority sectors to be covered are agriculture and food, health, education, housing, financial services and e-commerce.

The DoCA has asked ASCI to flag advertisements that are in clear violation of the law (eg claims regarding cure of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, sexual impotence, leucoderma (white spots), paralysis etc covered under the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act).

This would enable prompt action against such non-scrupulous advertisers and protect consumer interest, an official statement said.The DoCA will also redirect complaints that it will receive to ASCI to avoid duplication of processing.

In a statement, G Gurucharan, Additional Secretary, DoCA, said, “The problem of misleading advertisements and the consequent unfair trade practices that arise is widespread, across sectors, mediums and geographies. DoCA’s effort is to build a coalition of stakeholders to combat this menace, partnering with ASCI is an important step”.


Narendra Ambwani, Chairman, ASCI, “It’s a moment of pride for ASCI to have received such support from DoCA.

“Earlier our work has been recognised by various Government bodies such as Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Medical Council of India etc. It’s highly motivating to see such developments and this partnership has widened ASCI’s scope for complaints.”