Wide spread protests and arrests marked the State-wide bandh in support of roll back of power tariff hike in Andhra Pradesh.

Main opposition party TDP, YSRCP, BJP had joined the bandh call given by Left parties against the recent power tariff hike.

The opposition parties have alleged total mismanagement of the power sector by the Kiran Kumar Reddy-led Congress Government in the State and wanted total roll back of tariff hike announced for 2013-14.

Most schools and educational institutions have declared a holiday as public transport is likely to be affected.

Buses of the State Road Transport were off the road and autos too have joined the protests causing hardship to commuters.

Protesting Left party leaders B.V. Raghavulu and Narayana along with supporters were arrested in the morning. Shops and business establishments have been forced to down shutters.
