In view of the upcoming festive season, private bus operators in the State have decided to defer their indefinite strike until October 29.

The Joint Council of Bus Syndicate (JCBS), one of the biggest private bus operators’ unions, had earlier threatened to go on indefinite strike from October 9, demanding a hike in fares.

Tapan Banerjee, joint secretary of JCBS, said the operators have reconsidered their decision following a meeting with State Transport Minister Madan Mitra.

Trinamool Congress leaders, who are also members of JCBS, said the State Government is opposed to a fare-hike and was mulling alternatives to increased fares. The State Government had earlier proposed that operators carry advertisements on their vehicles to reduce losses.

Banerjee said operators were affected by the increasing operating costs following a recent diesel price hike. More than 42,000 private buses ply across the State.

Meanwhile, taxi operators led by the Bengal Taxi Association met the transport minister to decide on a possible deferment of indefinite taxi strike from October 9. However, the meeting remained inconclusive. According to Bimal Guha, general secretary of BTA, the taxi operators would take a final call in this regard on Tuesday.