The West Bengal Commerce and Industry Minister, Partha Chatterjee, on Tuesday made a departure from his speech to respond to comments made by the CII President and Infosys Co-founder, S. Gopalakrishnan (Kris).

Gopalakrishnan had yesterday commented that the State Government should play a more proactive role in facilitating land acquisition for industry. His comments were taken as an oblique reference to West Bengal where the State Government had been unwilling to acquire land for industry.

"Although I am speaking outside the purview of information and technology, let me assure you all that there will be no problems in getting land. If you face a problem, please come to us and we will intervene," Chatterjee said during a session in Information and Technology organised by the CII.

The minister had finished his speech and was about to leave the dais when he went back up to respond to the previous comments made by the CII.

According to Chatterjee, the State Government would make all possible help to resolve any problems faced by industry.

"We have enough land available to give to companies. Do not hesitate to come to Bengal. ITC Infotech is one such example. Several small IT companies have also expressed interest in setting up units here," he added.

According to Chatterjee, the state government would also intervene in case there are "price constraints".

Kris Gopalakrishnan, however, has so far not responded to media queries on the matter.
