Industry in Bihar has faced challenges such as the availability of land, and the State government has been trying to resolve the issue over the last few years. But, now with a clear mandate for the Grand Alliance, it expects that and a few other issues to be tackled properly.

Execute policies It also hopes the government executes its policies so that there is “perceptible change” to areas such as manufacturing, infrastructure, health, education and skill development.

SP Sinha, Chairman of CII Bihar State Council and Senior Adviser, Bihar Hotels Ltd said, “We look forward to the continuation of the policies which Nitish Kumar has been advocating for the last few years. He has brought in a lot of positive changes in governance, in areas such as law and order, and infrastructure among others.”

Hiccups remain Sinha told BusinessLine in a telephonic conversation that “In the last several years he (Nitish) has made good policies for attracting investments. However, there have been some hiccups, in terms of implementation of these policies, which I think with the mandate that he has got now he should be able to implement smoothly.”

On the issue of land and its availability, he remarked: “That is one constraint that needs to be tackled properly. Also, we hope for execution of the policies to bring perceptible changes in areas such as manufacturing, infrastructure, health, education and skill development.”

PK Sinha, Chief Executive of the Bihar-based Astric Solutions said: “The Nitish Kumar government had already begun the development of the State and now with such a great majority, obviously things that could not be completed in the past…we expect them to be taken up by the State government on top priority.” “We also expect speedy development of infrastructure projects. Bihar has the demographic dividend and the State is poised for growth,” he said.