The BJP on Monday faced flak from across the political spectrum as a social media campaign gained momentum in support of Varnika Kundu, a young woman allegedly stalked in Chandigarh on August 4 night by Vikas Barala, the son of Haryana BJP chief Subhash Barala.

In a Facebook post gone viral, Kundu described her ordeal as Vikas and his friends stalked her around some of the busiest streets in Chandigarh.

“There were two guys inside the SUV and they seemed to really be enjoying harassing a lone girl in the middle of the night, judging by how often their car swerved, just enough to scare me that it might hit me…The SUV stayed alongside my car, trying to bully me into stopping…

“My hands were shaking, my back spasming from fear, half in tears, half bewildered because I didn’t know if I would make it home tonight…They incessantly bullied me…At this point, the guy had reached my car, banged loudly on my window and tried to open the door handle,” read the post.

While the local police intervened in time and caught Vikas and his accomplice, the Opposition has been alleging that pressure is being mounted to dilute the case.

The two have been granted bail and Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has maintained that the “father (Haryana BJP chief) cannot be held responsible for his son’s actions”.

Targeting the victim

Chandigarh BJP vice-president Ramveer Bhatti added fuel to the fire by maintaining that “girls and women should not go out alone at midnight”. After Kundu asserted that it is “no one’s business except mine and my family’s what time I venture out”, Bhatti clarified, saying: “What I meant to convey is that it is the responsibility of the parents to watch over their children and their activities.”

Meanwhile, the Opposition demanded action against Subhash Barala and condemned the BJP for harbouring anti-women elements. Reports that the CCTV footage of five cameras had gone missing only added to the Opposition’s accusations.

CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury demanded answers from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah.

“Clearly, someone is helping the accused here. Why are the PM and the BJP president so silent about stalking of women?” Yechury tweeted.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said: “However powerful they are, Varnika’s stalkers should get strict punishment, otherwise people’s faith will be eroded.”

Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi said: “We condemn the attempt to kidnap and outrage the modest of a young lady in Chandigarh. The BJP government must punish the guilty, not collude with the culprits and the mindset they represent.”