Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde today accused BJP and RSS of conducting ‘terror training’ camps to spread saffron terrorism in the country.

“Reports have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism...Bombs were planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon.

“We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert,” he said at the AICC meeting here.

As his remarks came under attack from BJP and RSS, Shinde later said, “This has come so many times in the papers...It is not a new thing that I have said today.

“This is saffron terrorism that I have talked about. It is the same thing and nothing new. It has come in the media several times,” the Home Minister said.

To a question if it was Hindu terrorism or saffron terrorism, he said, “This is saffron terrorism (that) I have stated.”

Shinde said that infiltration from Pakistan, insurgency in the north east and Naxalism were the main challenges before the country.

“Infiltration is from Pakistan, insurgency is in some states in the north east and Naxalism is another challenge.

Environment is being created against peace but the department will do its complete work,” he said.

The Home Minister said a solution to Naxalism could be through initiation of development in the affected areas.

“Facilities will have to be provided to bring peace in Naxal-affected areas,” he said.

Shinde said that Congress is the only party which follows the fundamental principle of secularism and has given opportunities to several members from dalit, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and minority communities to rise.

“Our leader Sonia Gandhi gave me, a dalit, an opportunity to become Leader of the House in Lok Sabha and there are many names from SC, ST, OBC, minority communities who were made ministers and given other opportunities.

“The communities have been adequately represented in the government,” he said.

The Home Minister underlined the importance of rise of regional parties and said that if any leader who parted ways with Congress in the past wanted to join again, it should be taken into consideration.