BJP-Sena coordination panel to be in place soon: Danve

PTI Updated - March 12, 2018 at 09:38 PM.

Maharashtra BJP President Raosaheb Danve (file photo)

BJP and Shiv Sena will set up a high-power committee for better coordination between the two major saffron partners in the Government within a week, Maharashtra BJP President Raosaheb Danve said here today.

Both partners, particularly the BJP, felt that such coordination is essential in the wake of periodic outbursts against the Government by the Sena and counter-attack by a few BJP leaders, Danve told reporters here.

Danve, who is here to interact with party workers in the region, said the committee would comprise five to six members from both the parties.

“I had a detailed discussion with Sena leaders, Subhash Desai and Anil Desai in this regard and both the parties agreed on such a formula to ensure smooth functioning of the Government,” Danve said.

It was said three to four members from the BJP and two to three members from the Sena would be in the proposed coordination committee.

When asked to name the members of the proposed committee, he refused to divulge the details.

“Just wait for another week, you will get the details,” he quipped.

Danve said the State BJP would enroll about one crore members in the State by March 31, which was the target given to it.

Similarly, the BJP, on a nationwide basis, would soon have a total membership of 10 crore.

The BJP chief would be touring the entire state of Maharashtra and later announce the State Executive Committee.

Danve, who is also the Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, said in keeping with the tradition of ‘one-man, one-post’, he would resign from the Cabinet well before the commencement of the Budget session.

Published on February 5, 2015 09:26