BRICS employment working group to meet at Hyderabad

V Rishi Kumar Updated - January 17, 2018 at 11:26 PM.

First-ever meeting of BRICS Employment Working Group (BEWG) to shape the agenda for labour and employment track in BRICS, would be held during July 27-28 at Hyderabad.

Bandaru Dattaraya, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment, will address the meeting hosted by India.

India has assumed the Presidency of BRICS in February this year and the 8th BRICS Summit 2016 under India’s Chairmanship is scheduled for October 15-16 at Goa. The theme of India’s BRICS Chairmanship is “Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions”.

During this Hyderabad meet, there would be Sessions on Finalisation of BRICS Employment Working Group, Presentation by ILO on Employment Generation for Inclusive Growth, Presentation by India on Possible Social Security Agreements amongst BRICS nations and Discussion on Draft BRICS Ministerial Declaration.

The BEWG meeting is a prelude to BRICS Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting under the Indian Presidency, to be held during September 27-28 at Agra.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa are the five major emerging economies, comprising 43 per cent of the world population, accounting for 37 per cent of the world GDP and 17 per cent share in the world trade.

So far, seven BRICS Summits have taken place and the 8th BRICS Summit will be hosted by India during its Chairmanship in 2016.

The Working Group would deliberate labour and employment issues such as “Employment Generation for Inclusive Growth”, “Possible Social Security agreements amongst BRICS” and “Networking of Labour Institutes of BRICS”.

Published on July 25, 2016 13:44