AM Jigeesh

The frontal organisations of Sangh Parivar — trade union Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh and farmers’ collective Bharatiya Kisan Sangh — have found issues with certain announcements in the Budget.

While the BMS held nationwide protests against the “anti-worker” announcements, the BKS says it is incorrect to say that the Centre had “declared Minimum support price (MSP) for the majority of rabi crops at least at one and a half times the cost involved.”

BMS general secretary Virjesh Upadhyay told BusinessLine that the two organisations would approach Prime Minister Narendra Modi with an appeal that the Budget be amended. The BMS’ district units have submitted a charter of demands to all district magistrates, demanding that the concerns of workers should be addressed. “Budget should be amended so that our concerns are incorporated. In a democratic system, that is the method available to us,” he said.

Upadhyay maintained that the BMS is not in confrontation with the BJP government. “BMS’ duty is to stand for workers. There is no design to oppose the Centre or their initiatives. Traditionally, we are practising a politics that is in favour of the workers,” he said, and demanded that the Centre announce an employment policy.

‘Talks bypassed’

The BMS leader said the draft notification on fixed-term employment, issued on January 8, is pending consultation with trade unions, and termed its announcement in the Budget as “totally unfair and unilateral”. “Any amendment to labour laws should have been brought through tripartite consultations. Centre has bypassed this mechanism approved by the International Labour Organisation and announced the steps for contractualisation of work-force in the Budget. There was no need to announce such a change in policy in Parliament by bypassing the tripartite mechanism. What does this mean? It means that you are dictating it. It should not have been done like that,” Upadhyay said.

He said Centre has banned recruitment in group C and group D jobs since 1985. Instead of ensuring permanent appointments in such vacancies, the Centre came up with contract jobs. “Tax structure must be reviewed in favour of salaried people. Contract system should not be brought without tripartite mechanism,” he said.

‘MSP claim incorrect’

BKS General Secretary Badri Narayan Chaudhary rubbished the Centre’s claim that rabi crops had an MSP that was at 1.5 times their input cost.

“We challenge that statement. But we welcome the statement that MSP will be higher for the kharif crops. He (Finance Minister Arun Jaitley) should sit with farmers’ groups before fixing the MSP for the rabi crops. The CACP should be strengthened and the BJP should tell all States ruled by it to implement the Centre’s policy in a structured manner,” Chaudhary added. He said he welcomed the Budget and added that BKS has its own mind when dealing with the governments. “The country got a farmer-centric budget after a long gap,” he said.