The Manager of Canara Bank, Kerala Circle, himself took to the street as he led a team of staff for soliciting new current and savings accounts as part of a campaign.

Called CASA (current and savings accounts) Carnival, it had been launched all-India earlier on October 14, a bank spokesman said here.

G.Sreeram, General Manager, Kerala, led the team whose members were drawn from various city branches, to the Saphalyam Shopping Complex nearby.

The campaign will conclude by October 31 and is aimed at making available the bank services to the community at large, the spokesman said.

The campaign also reached out to leading business establishments, schools, colleges, Government establishments and corporate.

The last lap is slated for Saturday and Sunday when campaign teams at all locations in the State would fan out to what the spokesman described as ‘strategic centres’.

Elaborating, he said that the bank has formulated an attractive housing loan scheme for farmers at low rates of interest and attractive terms and conditions.

This is in addition to the scheme recently formulated for non-residents and high-networth individuals.

It has also recently given shape to housing and personal loan schemes exclusively for the benefit of the State Government and Kerala State Electricity Board employees.

In addition to the existing facility for opening of savings accounts online for individuals, a similar scheme for pension accounts of senior citizens is also in the anvil.

This is expected to be of relief to pensioners as it saves considerable time and also the labour of going personally to bank branches for opening such accounts.
