C-CAMP launches accelerator programme for life science

Updated - January 15, 2018 at 02:52 PM.

The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms – C-CAMP (is a Department of Biotechnology initiative and is a member of the Bangalore Life Science Cluster, which includes NCBS and inStem) has launched its Accelerator Programme for Life Science – healthcare, med-tech, agri-biotech and industrial biotech start-ups.

The four-month programme will focus on productisation, market validity and go-to market strategy, scale-up and business model canvas. The programme will also include an intense four-month mentoring. At the end of the programme, the start-ups will pitch to angel and seed fund investors as well as HNIs who are on board the programme and looking for investment opportunities.

With the launch of the Accelerator Programme, C-CAMP has added one more initiative and can now offer a customised programme for each start-up based on its requirement.

Dr Taslimarif Saiyed, Director and COO of C-CAMP said: “We realised that today, very exciting biotech innovations are being developed by innovators, which are intensely technology driven. However, they need to understand how to get these products/ technologies to the market. In the absence of this, these innovations remain exciting but their potential and application is not realised. This Accelerator Programme aims to address this gap between technology development and business strategy for commercialisation and we hope this will make a big impact on translating biotech innovations to addressing unmet needs.”

“The Call for Applications is open and interested start-ups can visit our website to apply. We are looking to start the first programme in May-June and are looking at a cohort size of 8 to 12 ventures who have already established proof-of-concept, have a prototype ready,” said Nandita Chandavarkar, who is co-ordinating the accelerator programme.

Published on April 11, 2017 09:40