Pitching for changes in the mandate and functioning of the Plan panel to suit the needs of states, the Chhattisgarh Chief Minister, Raman Singh, today said a constitutionally-formed body can replace the panel which should analyse and distribute funds to the states.

“There has to be proper coordination among states and Centre which can be done through a new constitutional body,” the Chief Minister of BJP-ruled state said at the meeting convened by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on the proposed structure of Planning Commission.

He said the Planning Commission’s present work of allocating funds to the states annually has become a ritual.

“Planning Commission working has become centralised. Planning on the states’ subjects decided under the Constitution is being done by the Commission.

“Schemes are being decided on one parameter rather on the needs of states,” Singh said, while strongly supporting for changes in the Plan panel.

He suggested that the Plan and non-Plan allocation should also be ended as it has no meaning.

He also suggested a panel of national and internationally acclaimed specialists under the new body which can suggest states on sector-specific needs and other issues.

Singh said that the National Development Council has also become aimless and suggested changes in its mandate too.

The Prime Minister is the Chairman of the Planning Commission, which works under the overall guidance of the National Development Council, according to its present mandate.