CII has undertaken a survey among existing entrepreneurs in Kerala to assess their plans on further investments in the State. Around 15 companies have shown interest for a total investment worth ₹1,500 crore, said C K Ranganathan, Chairman, CII-Southern Region said.

The initiative is part of a slew of measures being undertaken by the industry body to tap the encouraging industrial climate prevailing in the State, he told reporters.

The North Kerala region will focus on bridging the urban-rural divide in the industrial sphere. “CII is tying up the State government for demand aggregation and creating employment opportunities for 5 lakh youth in the next five years,” he said.

The proposal includes establishing an Industry Facilitation Cell, facilitating digital transformation of skilling and employment, building capacity of existing resources like mobilisation team of Kudumbshree, Additional Skills Acquisition Programme Kerala (ASAP), Kerala Academy for Skill Excellence (KASE), employment exchanges, etc. and also, creation of cadre of Barefoot Counsellors for effective outreach.

Ranganathan also said that no controversy is a testament against the positive industrial climate prevailing in the State. “The single window clearance in the State is one of the best in the country. Now trade unions are listening to the industry and businesses. CII will work with the State government to attract investment towards the proposed FMCG, ayurveda and medical equipment parks in the State.”


CII thanked the government for accepting its recommendations and coming up with a centralised inspection mechanism, a statutory grievance redress cell and a uniform land policy to enhance the investment climate of the State.

The industry body has taken up with the State government on the issue of supporting the livelihood of the people who have staked their fate with the tourism industry, which is in dire straits since the onset of Covid-19. CII holds policy dialogues with State governments on ease of doing business especially for MSMEs and start-ups. Creation of a disaster management fund to support industries at the time of natural calamities has been another highlight of the initiatives.

The industry body has made recommendations on preparedness for the third Covid wave. The government should incentivise the industry, which has vaccinated all its employees. In case of a third wave, the government should implement the lockdown in advance but should focus on micro-management rather than blanket lockdown, he said.