Maternal and childcare group Cloudnine has entered into an agreement with the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) Training Academy for a global training programme for its doctors.

As part of the memorandum of understanding, the programmes would train doctors in obstetrics, paediatrics, IVF and foetal medicine. “This programme is being offered for the first time in India for MRCOG and MRCPCH exams,” a Cloudnine note said, adding that the agreement would “enable doctors to take Royal College exams in paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology (OBG).

The BAPIO Training Academy represents physicians of Indian origin in the UK. Besides the specialised training for doctors, the agreement includes structured learning modules for Royal College exams, besides hands-on workshops and skill enhancement sessions, the note said.

R Kishore Kumar, Founder-Chairman and Executive Director, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, said that the focus on thecontinuous education of doctors would enhance patient care. Parag Singhal, BAPIO Chief Executive Officer, added that the collaboration presented an opportunity to share expertise, foster professional development, and advance healthcare.