Intensifying its attack on the Government over the coal blocks allocation scam, BJP has demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and sacking of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar.

The BJP Parliamentary Party, which met here today under the chairmanship of L.K. Advani, passed a resolution in this regard and charged the Government with suppressing the truth from coming out in the coal scam.

The Opposition party had stalled Parliament yesterday over the issue and demanded that the Law Minister make a statement on his alleged role in vetting the CBI affidavit for the Supreme Court on the coal scam investigation.

“The BJP Parliamentary Party has resolved that in the light of the series of scams and the present way in which the Government has sought to suppress the truth from coming out, Dr Manmohan Singh must resign and the Law Minister Ashwani Kumar must be sacked,” BJP Deputy Leader in Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters after the meeting.

He said the party has formally demanded that the PM must resign and the Law Minister be sacked.

Prasad said the party is of the opinion that the UPA Government under Singh has “destroyed” and “subverted” every institution in the country.

“The UPA Government first indulges in corruption and then subverts institutions to suppress the truth. It stands exposed before the country. The UPA Government has forfeited its right to govern. BJP demands that the Prime Minister and the Law Minister resign immediately,” the BJP leader said.

Stepping up its attack, he said the Government only wants a discussion on corruption and is not ready for any honest audit on it. He attacked the Law Minister, saying, “Since when does CBI need an English tutor like the Law Minister to correct the English of its affidavit.”

Prasad alleged: “The Prime Minister’s Office and the Law Minister have blatantly interfered in the functioning of the CBI while investigating.’’