The show of strength by regional satraps — Mamata Banerjee and N Chandrababu Naidu — in the Capital on Wednesday was tempered by the Congress’ assertion that it remains the only “uniting party that speaks for the entire country” while others in the Opposition “speak for a part of the Indian society”.

The Congress, which has been snubbed by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal and was counted out from the Grand Alliance of the Samajwadi Party (SP) and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) in Uttar Pradesh, gathered forces at the last meeting of its Parliamentary party on the closing day of the Budget Session to make the point that it is the “only force that can defend the idea of India” and it is the “only party that belongs to and thinks about the whole country”. Congress President Rahul Gandhi made these remarks even as he flayed the BJP for its “attack” on the Constitutional values and institutions. Gandhi specifically mentioned the Rafale scam and The Hindu newspaper’s ongoing investigative reporting, saying, “Today you see in The Hindu newspaper that the entire argument for the new deal, the idea that it was cheaper and the idea that planes were needed quickly has been demolished. Finished.”

Sonia lauds Rahul

Former Congress president Sonia Gandhi talked about the “all-pervasive atmosphere of fear and strife” and how “institutions have been subverted. Political opponents have been hounded. Dissent has been suppressed. Freedom of speech — the most basic of all freedoms — has been sought to be curtailed and silenced. People with opinions different from the ruling establishment have been victimised.” She said Rahul Gandhi has brought “fresh energy” into the Congress and “worked tirelessly” to turn the party’s fortunes.

But while Sonia Gandhi said Rahul is “reaching out to other political parties who share our vision of India”, the Congress President highlighted his party’s centrality in any Opposition coalition.

In the run-up to the general elections, in which the Congress’ only chance to effectively counter the BJP is to align with strong regional parties, Rahul Gandhi’s remarks seemed to convey to potential allies that they too need the Grand Old Party as much it needs them.

“We are defeating the BJP in the ideological fight and on the daily news cycle. The Congress party is now firmly entrenched in the mood and spirit of the people. So, the common man today has realised that Narendra Modi is not what he had claimed to be, that the RSS is not what they claim to be and that they are actually attacking the idea of India,” said Rahul Gandhi while addressing the Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP).

He made pointed references to the Congress’ universality to other Opposition parties.

He added that the tide has reversed and even the Congress would be “surprised and even shocked” at the support it will receive in the 2019 elections.