Ahead of the crucial Winter Session of Parliament, the Congress is all set to take on the Opposition and activists of India Against Corruption.

After a ‘big’ rally to be held here at the Ram Lila Ground on Sunday, all Congress Cabinet Ministers and Ministers of State with independent charge and the All India Congress Committee office-bearers will meet at Surajkund for an informal brain-storming session on the recent political developments and the implementation of the UPA’s manifesto.

The meeting and rally are considered important as the party and the UPA Government, of late, are trying to refurbish their image.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh; Congress President Sonia Gandhi; and the AICC General Secretary Rahul Gandhi, will address the rally on Sunday.

Congress’s chief spokesperson Janardhan Dwivedi said all block, district and State unit presidents of the party, along with all AICC members, State and Union ministers, MLAs and MPs will attend the rally on the theme of ‘current political developments.’

The party will hard-sell the UPA Government’s recent policy decisions such as FDI in retail and increase in diesel and LPG prices.

The Surajkund session will also have the party top brass and Ministers discussing the economic challenges before the country and implementation of UPA’s manifesto.

Sources in the party indicated that issues such as the passage of the Food Security Bill and the progress of flagship schemes will be taken up. Dwivedi said no resolutions will be passed.

A reshuffle of the AICC is also on the cards. There are indications that Sonia Gandhi may create a new team, tailored to the ideas of Rahul Gandhi.

> jigeesh.am@thehindu.co.in