The Congress stands by the decision of its government in Karnataka to release Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu, party General Secretary Digvajaya Singh said here on Thursday.

“The party wholeheartedly stands by the State government for its decision to release river to Tamil Nadu. There was no option after the Supreme Court ordered it to release,” said Digvijaya Singh, who holds the charge of Karnataka affairs.

“The Congress appreciates chief minister Siddaramaiah’s move to consistently take the opposition parties into confidence at every step and to leave the decision-making to the State’s legal team headed by Fali Nariman,” he added.

A meeting of the Karnataka State Congress Co-ordination Committee, chaired by Singh, decided to hold a series of mass contact programmes from September 27 to highlight the State government’s performance in different sectors. Later, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah told reporters that an all-party meet had decided to allow the State legal team to finalise Karnataka’s submission to the apex court.