Congress President Rahul Gandhi’s offer to resign was unanimously rejected by the Congress Working Committee that urged him to continue in the post and asked him to carry out a “complete overhaul and a detailed restructuring” of the party.

Congress leaders, who addressed the media after the meeting, said the highest panel discussed no names as a replacement for Gandhi. Opposition leader in Lok Sabha Ghulam nabi Azad said Gandhi’s leadership is acceptable to everyone as he knows the issues and problems the party and the workers face everywhere. “In this circumstance, only he can lead the party,” Azad said.

Thanks for voters

A resolution passed the meeting said the CWC accepted the mandate of the people and expressed its gratitude to the 12.13 crore voters who voted for Congress. “The Congress is committed to dawn the role of a constructive opposition, raising people’s issues and holding the government accountable to people of India,” the resolution said.

The CWC commended the “tireless efforts” of Gandhi, office bearers, leaders, party workers, volunteers and Congress candidates and thanked the allies for jointly fighting an “ideological” battle. The resolution also added that Gandhi offered his resignation but, CWC “unanimously and with one voice” rejected it and requested for his leadership and guidance in “these challenging times”.

“The CWC unanimously called upon the Gandhi to lead the party in its ideological battle and to champion the cause of India’s youth, the farmers, the SC/ST/OBCs, the minorities, the poor and the deprived sections. The CWC fully recognises the challenges, the failures and the shortcomings, resulting into this mandate. The CWC recommends a thorough introspection and requested the Congress President for a complete overhaul and a detailed restructuring at every level of the party. A plan to this effect shall come into force at the earliest,” the resolution said.


The CWC also noted that the country faces a number of challenges as a new government takes over. “The issue of surging oil prices post sanctions against Iran as also price rise stares us in the face. Banking sector is in dire straits with uncontrolled and unchecked NPAs soaring to nearly 12 lakh crores, over last five years, threatening the very stability of banking operations. Serious questions being raised on the financial viability of NBFCs, wherein hard earned savings of the people’s life are invested. The downturn of economy coupled with lack of private investment and a steep fall in consumption patterns, point towards grave economic slowdown. The looming job crisis has seen no solutions, jeopardising the future of our young. The agrarian crisis continues unabated with large swathes of the country reeling under severe drought particularly Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra and Karnataka,” the resolution said.

It added that institutional integrity remains under a cloud. “Social strife and tensions affect large portions of our populace. CWC notes that these are issues to be urgently addressed by the next government. The responsibility and accountability to overcome these challenges is of the next government,” the resolution said adding that the Congress will continue to play a constructive role to overcome these serious challenges. “CWC hopes that the government will address these issues as its top priority,” the resolution added.