With the monsoon getting delayed by almost a month, sowing of kharif crops (planted during June-August) has been affected in Gujarat.

While overall planting in the State during in June is down 64 per cent against last year, cotton is the worst-affected crop as its sowing is down by more than half.

Acreage dips Latest data from the State Agriculture Department show that cotton planting was 5.35 lakh hectares as on June 25 against 11.25 lakh hectares in the corresponding period a year ago.

Cotton was planted on 26 lakh hectares last year.

“In the absence of the necessary rains for sowing during June, there has been a sharp decline in overall sowing in the State especially in cotton,” a State Agriculture Department official told Business Line.

“Most of the reported sowing has happened on irrigated lands, while planting on the rain-fed lands will begin only when the Monsoon sets in,” the official said.

Challenges ahead Gujarat being the largest cotton producer in the country, a sharp drop in the sowing area in the initial sowing season has raised concerns among the stakeholders.

“Normally, by the end of June we see most of the sowing in cotton being completed. Looking at the current situation, we see a challenging year ahead for cotton,” said NM Sharma, Managing Director, Gujarat State Cooperative Cotton Federation (GujCot).

Earlier this month, the State had got some rains in the coastal regions. This prompted many farmers to initiate sowing. But with no follow-up rain since then affecting soil moisture, planting is likely to be affected.

Gujarat has already announced contingency plan for kharif 2014 season, asking farmers to go in for alternative crops and cultivation methods in case of delay in monsoon.

Currently, there is a carryover stock of 35-40 lakh bales (of 170 kg each). Of this, some 12-15 lakh bales are with ginners and farmers in Gujarat.

In current season ending September, cotton production has been estimated at a record 385 lakh bales with the acreage rising to 115 lakh hectares.

Price outlook “Despite a prolonged dry spell, cotton prices have not surged. We see prices ruling in the current range since July and August may see more rains,” said Arun Dalal, an Ahmedabad-based cotton trader. Currently, cotton prices are quoted at around ₹41,200-43,800 a candy (of 356 kg each).

The Met department has said that Gujarat will see rains only in the first week July. So far, the State has received only 3 per cent of the season’s rainfall.