The indiscriminate reclamation of paddy fields and blocking of the Kozhithodu, a tributary of the Pampa river, for construction of the greenfield airport at Aranmula will be a perennial threat to Aranmula Sree Parthasarathi Temple, according to a report filed by the Advocate Commissioner in the Kerala High Court.

In his report, Advocate Commissioner S..Subash Chand said the indiscriminate reclamation of the paddy land and the blocking of the tributary of the Pampa would endanger valuable plant species, fishes and micro organism in the area. It will lead to flood in the river and its adjoining areas, affecting the smooth functioning of the ancient temple.

He pointed out that the Kerala State Biodiversity Board had said in its report that 80 per cent of the 500 acres of land earmarked for the airport were paddy fileds. Such large-scale conversion will have an adverse effect on the food chain and same would accelerate the depletion of fish resources and other flora and fauna in the Pampa river basin.

The reclamation will deprive fish species of its breeding grounds. Biodiversity loss and water shortage will be caused by razing of hills in the nearby areas.

The Salim Ali Foundation that had conducted a study also reported that the proposed airport project would destroy 400 acres of paddy fields and endanger 212 species of plants in the region, of which 22 were endemic to the Western Ghats, 110 important for its medicinal properties and 88 wetland species.

According to the chairman of the foundation, V.S.Vijayan, if paddy cultivation was restored and fish farming launched, the region will yield benefits to the tune of Rs 335 to 440 crore annually.

 The commissioner pointed out that the Airport Authority of India suggested razing of four hills around the temple. . The razing of the hills might hurt the age-old faith of thousands of devotees of the temple.

The proposal of the Authority for lighting the golden mast of the temple might be against the tantric stipulations.

Noise pollution might be caused due to the positioning of an international airport in close proximity. It may also interfere with several ancient customary and religious rituals.