In view of the ongoing second wave of Covid-19, the CA Institute has postponed its May edition of Final and Intermediate Chartered Accountants examinations that were scheduled to commence from May 21 (Final)/May 22(intermediate) across the globe.

This has been done in the interest of welfare and well being of students and to mitigate their hardships, the CA Institute has said.

The CA Institute has now said that the situation of pandemic will be reviewed (Covid cases, MHA guidelines, Centre and State government directions) and fresh dates will be intimated to students. While doing so a notice of at least 25 days will be given before the start of the examinations, CA Institute announcement said on Tuesday.

It may be recalled that last year due to the outbreak of corona the CA Institute had initially postponed the May edition of examinations only to later cancel it after several subsequent failed attempts to hold exams on later months. However, the November edition of exams were held despite several attempts by section of students to get them postponed or cancelled citing concerns of Covid pandemic.