BSP president Mayawati on Wednesday asked the government to make earnest efforts on the law and order front, especially on women’s security, saying the NCRB data does not bolster the image of the country.

Mayawati’s reaction comes after the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) released the annual crime data for 2017, after a delay of more than a year. The data said with 3.59 lakh FIRs, crimes against women had risen for a third year in a row and the maximum cases were registered in Uttar Pradesh (56,011).

“The National Crime Records Bureau has presented the statistics of crime in front of the country and the world after a long delay. They naturally have made big headlines in the media and they are definitely not improving the image of India, which is a matter of great sorrow and concern,” Mayawati tweeted.

“These statistics make it clear that in all kinds of crime in the country, especially in the matter of women’s safety, the central and state governments have to do a lot with full honesty. Uttar Pradesh is in the worst condition and this is when only one party, BJP, has its government at the Centre and the state,” the BSP leader added.

The NCRB, under the Ministry of Home Affairs, is responsible for collecting and analysing crime data as defined by the Indian Penal Code, as well as special and local laws in the country.

The NCRB report

As per the latest data published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), over 50 lakh cases of cognisable crimes were registered across the country in 2017 -- an increase of 3.6 per cent from 2016 when 48 lakh FIRs were lodged.

The annual crime data for 2017 has been released after a delay of more than a year.

Murder cases registered a decline of 5.9 per cent in 2017. As many as 28,653 killings were recorded in 2017, down from 30,450 in 2016, the NCRB report said.

‘Disputes’ (7,898 cases) were the motive in the maximum number of murder cases, followed by ‘personal vendetta or enmity’ (4,660) and ‘gain’ (2,103), it stated.

Cases of kidnapping and abduction saw a 9 per cent increase in 2017, with 95,893 cases registered against 88,008 in 2016.

“A total of 1,00,555 (23,814 male and 76,741 female) victims were reported kidnapped or abducted, out of which 56,622 (14,296 male and 42,326 female) victims were children and 43,933 (9,518 male and 34,415 female) victims were adults during 2017,” the data stated.

The NCRB data showed 9,89,071 cases of offences affecting the human body, including 1,42,794 cases of death by negligence and 86,001 of assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty, were registered.

UP tops list

With the registration of over three lakh FIRs, Uttar Pradesh (UP) topped the crime list in the country, followed by Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Delhi.

Overall, 30,62,579 cases were registered across the country in 2017, up from 29,75,711 in 2016 and 29,49,400 in 2015, according to the annual data which was released last night after a delay of more than one year.

UP, also the most populous state, registered 3,10,084 cases during the year and had the highest share of 10.1 per cent in the country, it stated. The data showed an upward trend for straight third year in UP, which had recorded 2,82,171 cases in 2016 and 2,41,920 in 2015.

Maharashtra, which accounted for 9.4 per cent of crime in the country, registered 2,88,879 FIRs in 2017, 2,61,714 in 2016 and 2,75,414 in 2015, according to the NCRB.

Madhya Pradesh registered 2,69,512 FIRs in 2017 and accounted for 8.8 per cent overall cases. It had lodged 2,68,614 cases in 2015 and 2,64,418 in 2016, the data showed.

The NCRB said certain states like UP and Delhi have provided citizen-friendly service of online registration of FIR under certain category of offences like ‘vehicle theft’ and ‘other thefts’

“As this may have increased the crime reporting under such heads in these states, they become statistically non-comparable with other states not having such online registration facility,” it added.

Fourth on the list was Kerala which registered 2,35,846 cases, while Delhi followed it closely with 2,32,066 cases, it stated.

Bihar, which had 1,80,573 cases in 2017 and 5.9 per cent share in crimes, stood sixth on the list, while West Bengal was seventh with 1,63,999 cases and 5.4 per cent share, the data stated.