The joint platform of ten central trade unions and independent sectoral federations have pledged their support to the Bharat Bandh called by the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) on September 27 in protest against the Centre’s farm reform laws. They also extended support to the ‘Mission Uttar Pradesh’ and ‘Mission Uttarakhand’ launched by the SKM against the BJP governments ahead of the Assembly elections in these States.

The trade unions said in a joint statement that the BJP-led governments are not only implementing the anti-farmer, anti-people and anti-worker neoliberal policies but also trying to create divisions among the people and polarise society on communal lines, to weaken united struggles. “Ignoring the writing on the walls bound to spell the doom of the Central Government,” the statement said.

The CTUs alleged that the Centre is deliberately using the period of pandemic to hurry through its pro-corporate agenda as if there is no tomorrow. The platform condemned the move to announce the National Monetisation Pipeline. It said the move is to hand over the people’s wealth to its corporate cronies. “It is bound to burden the common masses with run-away price-rise, which has already become unbearable. Its latest move to tax even the interest in EPF accounts of workers is shocking,” the trade unions said.

“The ‘Bharat Bandh’ on September 27 will give an emphatic message to the ruling party in the Central Government that the peasants and the working class, the two major sections that are the backbone of our society stand united in opposing its anti-people and anti-national policies,” the statement added.