The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) has sent eight proposals to curb price rise to the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman including retaining commodities such as edible oil, oil seeds, cereals, pulses, onions and potatoes under Section 3(1) of Essential Commodities Act.

In a resolution adopted at their national executive committee meeting, the BMS said the inflation of essential commodities is causing a severe crisis for the consumers.

Citing that the rate of inflation has exceeded six per cent, it asked the Centre to rethink the withdrawal of Essential Commodities like edible oil, oil seeds, cereals, pulses, onions and potatos from the purview of Section 3 (1) of Essential Commodities Act.

‘Black market concerns’

“It might have been intended to help farmers, but it is affecting adversely the common man. Dreaded days of soaring prices of essential commodities, hoarding, black marketing which were curbed by the Government for five decades may return. Inflation of food items is also making the life of the workers difficult. The prices of edible oils are increasing in the name of increase in the international prices,” the resolution, a copy of which is sent to Sitharaman along with a letter, said. The BMS urged the Centre and State governments to bring a legislation asking manufacturers to declare and display cost of production of every item along with GST applicable.

“Curb the increase of prices of essential commodities and petroleum products. Abolish the system of increasing the price of petroleum products every day and bring Petroleum Products under GST Act,” the BMS demanded.

‘Stop profiteering’

It asked the Centre to stop profiteering by companies and individuals under the guise of rise in international prices of metals and other accessories and invoke the Essential Commodities Act upon those responsible. “Take steps to increase production food items by paying remunerative prices to the farmers,” it said and asked the Centre to formulate a long term policy to curb the prices of food items.

“Take steps to compensate the workers for inflation by increasing their remuneration in both the public sector and the private sector and implement strictly price control orders under Essential Commodities Act,” they demanded.